Friday, December 23, 2005


I must, I feel, justify myself somewhat for the use of the term, "you's" at the end of the post, "Peace with your Elf". Partly because it would have made some, if not all of you cringe, but also because I will most likely be using it more in the future.
Since learning and speaking a lot of German, it has bothered me not inconsiderably that there is no term for addressing more than one person in English, as with ihnen/ihre, euch/eure, etc. I was, therefore, delighted to discover upon coming to Australia that the English language has evolved here to incorporate such a term, that being the aforementioned you's. (I believe the correct Aussie spelling would be youse). Granted, it is somewhat coarse but I can't help but feel good about the fact that I can once more address more than one person and feel like I am expressing myself clearly. Love you's xxxxx


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