Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Little Things

Hey Guys, how are you all? Good I hope. Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've been up to my usual tricks and thinking a whole lot of amazingly profound things whilst doing so. I just haven't gotten around to committing them to the blogosphere and have sadly now forgotten them, so I'll have to make up some other crap instead, as usual!
My thing at the moment is trying to make changes, trying to be a better person, and trying to be more at peace with my surroundings and whatever life may throw at me. As those of you who read regularly will know, I've recently been questioning my chosen profession, etc., and thinking that this time must surely be the time to actually do something about it because I've been through this so many times before that there must be something in it. Well it is the time that I have to do something about it, or more accurately, about me. I'm going to stick at it, but have to make some big changes to myself, one of the big motivations for sticking at it being the potential for making personal changes. For example, I was getting to feel worn down by work, and to feel that I wasn't getting the personal time and space to have a life. It is a very draining profession at times, dancing, for the body but even more so for the spirit. Recently we'd only been getting one day off a week (for about three months to be precise), and working many evenings. I've now decided to maximise the time I have, and spend quality time when I do have time off, doing things that recharge my spirit. Every evening, whenever possible, I get home in time for the sunset, and if I'm already home, stop whatever I'm doing and go out on the balcony to watch the sun go down. We have a great view from our balcony and you can watch the sun go down over the hills in the distance (I just posted some photos on my flickr page for you to see, just click on the link on the right). It's so very peaceful, my quiet moment for reflection. And cheesy as it may sound, as I watch the sun slide down behind the hills, shooting out it's last rays, I feel as if the light fills me up. It's so very beautiful and a little bittersweet, as I seem to feel more intensely the ending of the day. Sometimes I gaze upon it and feel that it's the last sunset and the sun will never rise again.
So that's that. Last week also happened to be when
  • The Cat Empire
  • were in town for two nights only. I have wanted to see them perform live for quite some time now so got straight in and bought tickets the very moment they went on sale. On the night, Lisa, Nikki and I pottered along after work and got our place right near the front at The Tivoli, a fantastic little concert venue with great acoustics. Now I really could go on all day and all night about this but won't. I'll just say, unbelievable. In fact, UNBELIEVABLE! There was dancing, singing, face melting solos, more singing, more dancing (for 'dancing', read 'jumping around like crazed idiots grinning from ear to ear'), and a whole lotta love flying around!! It was a great, great night, and another thing that I felt charged me right up. I always feel so great when I go to a good concert. Live music has such amazing power to move me and every time I go to a concert I kick myself for not going more often. I had even been considering selling my tickets to see the Kaiser Chiefs and the Foo Fighters at the end of this month to help fund my application to migrate but now there's no way! Let the healing begin I say, I'll get by financially but if I don't nurture my spirit, life can become such a drag!
    I'm going to leave you with that thought for now but will post again soon and tell you what else I'm doing to make my life richer and what's rocking my world. I'm also working on a one hundred things about me post as I have been led to believe that one cannot be taken seriously as a blogger without having done so! I love you all and hope this finds you well. Take good care of yourselves xxxxx


    At November 15, 2005 11:02 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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    At November 15, 2005 11:39 pm , Blogger mesquirt said...

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    At November 15, 2005 11:42 pm , Blogger mesquirt said...

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    At November 16, 2005 3:26 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh no! Spam on blogs! What a bummer! I took a load of pictures of our sunset last night - fab views across London from here. Will download them later and see if any of them stand up to mailing to you. Good luck with the improvements! mxxxxxx

    At November 16, 2005 8:28 am , Blogger Bodhi said...

    Marty, I was just over at Spence's blog posting a comment on "Stop the World" (14/11), and in that was partly sharing about the importance of taking time out on a regular basis to reflect. Then I came here and read your sharing on sunsets and just had to smile. And thanks for the subsequent pics too Bro. Noice.

    Glad you enjoyed the Cat too:

    Welcome to this night
    welcome to this song
    welcome to these rhymes
    that be going on and on
    welcome to the empire
    and the funky empire tunes
    but most of all welcome
    to the bellas in this room...
    well hchello hchello

    ... Pablo, PABLOOOOO!


    (((Hugs))) mate, love to Lisa.


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