The 5 Question meme
Hey everybody, I hope you're all well. I was recently checking out a blog recommended to me by a friend and stumbled across this. It's new to me, as is the whole blogging thing, and a lot of other internet-y things. The blog I saw it on was, by the way, that of the Other Andrew, a wonderful blog that comes highly recommended. I have added a link to it on my blog roll.
Anyway, it is called the five question meme. One requests of another blogger who has already been 'interviewed', in the comments section of that post, that one be interviewed. Said blogger then posts five questions for you, also in the comments section of the aforementioned post. You then answer them on your own blog. Here goes.
1. What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about ballet, and dancers?
That would most certainly be that it is not, "a proper job". It never ceases to amaze me how often I will be speaking to someone who knows little or nothing about dancing when they will ask something like, "so what do you do in the day then?", or, "so what do you do when you aren't performing?". For those of you that don't know, dancing is a very precise and tricky art, one which requires a great deal of training in order to be physically fit enough to do it, and practice in order to get it right. The average show is about two hours long and each time we do a new show(every few weeks here at QB), the choreographer has to create two hours worth of new, interesting material. We then have to work on it in order to get the twenty two people in the company doing the same steps on the right music. Quite a task, I can assure you.
There are so many other misconceptions that people have; people are often surprised, when seeing a show for the first time, how physical it is, how fit the dancers have to be. People think that dancers, and ballet dancers in particular, are prissy, bunheaded goody goodies. We're not. Dancers drink, smoke, take drugs and party just as much, if not, perhaps, more than 'normal' people. And we like to eat, hell, we LOVE to eat, we spend all of our working day jumping around, for Gods sake! But yes, the main one must be the whole 'proper job' thing. It's certainly the one that shits me the most, as we work incredibly hard.
2. When times are tough, what keeps you going?
Wow, not an easy question. It depends on the circumstances. Although when it comes to the crunch I guess what always saves me in the end would be the amazing people I am blessed to have in my life. I truly am blessed and have so many times felt I really couldn't do it anymore when someone has come along and I have felt that God has sent me my very own angel. It wouldn't do them justice to start listing them here but you know who you are Guys ;D
3. If you had to choose one or two adjectives to describe yourself honestly, what do you think it would be?
Now that's really hard, one or two adjectives to describe a whole person, and a gemini at that!! I'll take three. Hmmm, affectionate, passionate, laid back. God that's lame, and on a bad day I'm just annoying, crude and hyperactive. I'm so many things at so many different times. I'm afraid I might have to pass on this one.
4. If you could choose one or two adjectives that the people closest to you might use to describe you, what would you like that to be?
Honest and caring. Yup, I think they 're a good two. I'll stick with them.
5. What is the most positive thing you have discovered about having a blog?
Hmmm, well I haven't had one long and I haven't had many comments on it either but from the few that I do get, mainly from my Mum and Brother, it pleases me to be able to share with friends and family on the other side of the world what is going on in my life without having to ring each and every one of them every time something happens. It's a good outlet. There's also this whole crazy community of bloggers which I am just beginning to discover, and that's a pretty cool thing. I also feel that it's a step forward in a way, from people being very closeted in general, to being prepared to lay things out for everyone to see. There seems to be a great element of catharsis in it, from many blogs that I have seen. To answer this really properly, I will probably have to have been blogging a little longer.
So there's me. I hope I did OK. If you wish to be interviewed, just post a comment below, asking to be interviewed, and I will post your five questions, also in the comments section. Have a great day now! xxx