Friday, November 04, 2005

Baby Steps

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step"

Hey Guys, sorry I haven't found much time to write, after all my excitement and, "Going to write lots"-ness. Ah well, a couple of times a week is already better than the previous couple of months when I didn't write at all!
I had a semi-profound thought the other day. It occurred to me that as we get older, we place greater expectations on ourselves and the world around us. We expect that if there's something to be made to happen, we should be able to make it happen pretty much immediately, if not merely very quickly. Then I realized that we still have to take Baby Steps. No matter how old we are, no matter how accomplished, how big and strong and clever, things only work one step at a time. This gave me great comfort. It took all the pressure off the wrong places, and re-applied it in all the right ones. You see it means I don't have to beat myself up about becoming a better person overnight, about ironing out any perceived character defects in a weekend. I don't have to be able to do the things at work that I'd like to tomorrow, and I don't have to be financially stable, have money invested and all my remaining debts paid by next Monday morning. It does however, mean that I have to apply myself, every day. I have to work hard, and with conviction, every day. I have to continue to look inside, see myself as plainly as possible, and try and improve myself bit by bit, even if that means just holding my tongue, or speaking up, handling a situation better. I have to be smart, and aware, conscious of my actions, every day. And if I catch myself wanting too much, too soon, or if I feel someone else is asking me for something that I can't provide today, but am striving for, you know what I'm going to say? I'm going to say, "I'm taking Baby steps", and I'll say it with a smile!
I hope you're well Guys, don't get ahead of yourselves and don't let anyone else stress you out. If they do, you know just what to say! Take good care of yourselves, I'll write again soon xxxxx


At November 04, 2005 1:18 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurrah! What an excellent thought to hold - I need that too so that I don't think I have to know all there is about yoga before the next class/before I graduate - or even before I die! Neither do I need to redecorate the whole house before my baby and his baby come home again, or find my place in the country - or where in the country/who to take with me, etc. etc. Well thought, my son! Luv Ya! X x X x X xoxoxoxoxoxox

At November 04, 2005 8:58 am , Blogger mesquirt said...

Yeah, I thought it was pretty good. And don't talk crazy, you don't have to do a single thing to the house before we come home, it'll be perfect just the way it is, as long as we're all there together.
Also, don't worry about finding your place in the country, you haven't seen Australia yet! I've seen some AWESOME places for yoga retreats!!! xxxxxxxx

At November 04, 2005 9:56 am , Blogger Bodhi said...

Dude, that quote is my absolute favourite from the Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu. It was most interesting to read your thoughs on it. By the way, just so you know, I was really into Taoism for a while there before I became a Buddhist.

A lot about the philosophical aspects of Taoism, especially, I still find appealing. If you have not already done so, Bro, get yourself a translated copy of the Tao Te Ching, find yourself a nice spot somewhere (preferably out in nature or in a nice park), and have yourself a contemplative read. Its interesting and quite engaging stuff.

At November 04, 2005 10:50 am , Blogger mesquirt said...

Hey Bro, how are you today? I do indeed already own a very well thumbed copy of the Tao Te Ching. I discovered it a few years back and it is something that I rediscover periodically and am blown away anew every time by it's simple genius.
I think you're right though, it's about time I found a nice spot and had a bit of Tao Time!
Hope you're going well down your end of the East coast ;D

At November 04, 2005 3:27 pm , Blogger Bodhi said...

Bro, aside from feeling physically sick these past few days, if I was any more fab they would string me with fairy lights and use me as a Sydney Mardi Gras float.

By the way, after our telamaphone conversation the other day I decided to add a link to both the Imperial and Disco City on my homepage. Gotta party hearty Marty ;-) Even when it is sober and clean. You were so right; its who I am. And my torch shines bright, baby.


At November 04, 2005 9:59 pm , Blogger Simon said...

Hey Bro!

Sorry I haven't written in ages but rest assured, I've been checking in on you and making sure you're OK.

Which you are - you're fine! I'm sure you know that anyway but sometimes it's nice to be told what we already know (or think we know!).

You said it all very completely and succinctly, there's only one thing I feel that I should add:

"Frustration implies expectation"

I'm sure you get what that means - to be aware of those feelings of frustration and where they come from, what they are driven by. Very often, they arise because we are expecting too much of ourselves and others. Which kind of ties in to Desiderata:

"Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, the universe is unfolding as it should"

Oh and while I'm recycling other peoples wisdom, I quite liked the Google Quote of the Day today:

"To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all."
Peter McWilliams

Keep on keeping on with the Baby Steps, love you Bro, catch you soon!

At June 07, 2006 6:22 pm , Blogger The Kemo Kid said...

Are you sure you are not in A.A. ?

I suggest you get an addiction.

They would love you there.



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